Definition of Rutherfordium


  • a radioactive transuranic element which has been synthesized
    - rf - unq - element 104 - atomic number 104
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Rutherfordium

  • Scrabble® score of the rutherfordium (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the rutherfordium (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the rutherfordium (24)

Unscramble rutherfordium

655 unscramble word found using the letters rutherfordium.

de def defi defo deform deft dehort dei deif deiform demit demo demoi demur derm dero derro derth detour dhoti dhurrie dhuti di die diet dif dim dime dimer dimout dire direr dirhem dirt dit dite dither do doe doer doeth dof doh doit dom dome domier dor dore dorm dormer dormie dorr dort dorter dortier dot dote doter doth dotier doum dour dourer dout douter drier drift drifter droit drome drouth drouthier drum drumfire druther due duet duh dui duit dum duo duomi dure duro durr durrie durum ed edh edit editor ef eft eh em emf emir emit emo emu er erf erhu erm erodium err error et eth ethmoid etourdi etui euoi euro fe fed feh fehm fem femur feod fer ferm fermi ferrum fet fetid fetor feu feud fid fido fie fier fiord fir fire fired firer firm firmed firmer firth fit foe foetid foh foid fomite for ford fore form forme formed former forrit fort forte forted forth forum fother fou foud foudrie fouer fouet four fourth fouter fouth foutre foutred freit fremd fremit fret fried frier frit frith friture fro froe froideur from frore froth frothed frother frothier fruit fruited fruiter fud fuero fuhrer