Definition of Schizogony


  • asexual reproduction by multiple fission
    characteristic of many sporozoan protozoans
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Schizogony

  • Scrabble® score of the schizogony (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the schizogony (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the schizogony (119)

Unscramble schizogony

282 unscramble word found using the letters schizogony.

ch chi chin ching chings chino chinos chins chis chiz chog chogs chon chons choon choons choosing choosy cig cigs cion cions cis cog cogon cogons cogs coho cohog cohogs cohos coign coigns coin coins con congo congos coni cons cony coo cooing cooings coon coons coos coosin cos cosh coshing cosign cosing cosy cosying coy coying coyish coys coz cozing cozy cozying ghi ghis gi gin ginch gins ginzo ginzos gio gios gis go gon gonch gons gonys gonzo gonzos goo goon goons goony goos goosy gos gosh goy goyisch goyish goys gyno gynos hi hic hin hing hings hins his hisn ho hoc hog hogs hoi hoing hois hon hong hongi hongis hongs hons hoo hoon hoons hoos hos hosing hoy hoying hoys hying hyson ich ichs icon icons icy in inch incog incogs ing ingo ings ins io ion ions ios is ish iso isogon isogony nigh nighs nis nish no nog nogs noh noisy noo nos nosh nosy noy noys ny nys och oh ohing oho ohos ohs oi ois on ono onos ons ony oo ooh oohing oohs oon oons oos oosy oozing oozy os oy oys ozonic sc schiz schizo schizogony schizy schnoz scion