Definition of Schizothymia


  • resembling schizophrenia but remaining within the bounds of normality
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Schizothymia

  • Scrabble® score of the schizothymia (34)
  • Word Chums® score of the schizothymia (38)
  • Words With Friends® score of the schizothymia (123)

Unscramble schizothymia

544 unscramble word found using the letters schizothymia.

ach achy act acts ah ahh ahhs ahi ahis ahoy ahs ai aim aims ais ait aitch aits am ami amici amis amity as asci ascot ash ashy at atimy atmos atoc atocs atom atomic atomics atoms atomy ats ay ays azo azoic azoth azoths azotic azym azyms cam cami camis camo camos cams camsho cash cast cat cats cay cays caz cazh ch cha chai chais cham chamiso chamois chams chao chaos chas chasm chasmy chat chats chay chays chi chia chiao chias chiasm chiasmi chimo chis chit chits chiz chota chymist ciao ciaos cis cist cit cito cits city coast coat coati coatis coats coit coits coma comas comitia comitias comity coms comsat cos cosh cost costa cosy cot coth coths cots coy coyish coys coz cozy cyathi cyma cymas cyst cytisi ha hachis hah hahs haimish haith ham hams hao haos has hash hashy hast hasty hat hatch hath hats hay hays hazy hi hic him hims hioi hiois his hish hist hit hitch hitchy hits hiya hm ho hoa hoas hoast hoc hoh hoha hohs hoi hois hoist hom homa homas homs homy hos host hosta hot hotch hots hoy hoya hoyas hoys ich ichs ichthys