Definition of Schlockmeister


  • (slang) a merchant who deals in shoddy or inferior merchandise
    - shlockmeister
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Schlockmeister

  • Scrabble® score of the schlockmeister (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the schlockmeister (37)
  • Words With Friends® score of the schlockmeister (30)

Unscramble schlockmeister

2919 unscramble word found using the letters schlockmeister.

cecils cee cees ceil ceiler ceilers ceils cel celom celomic celoms cels celt celts ceorl ceorlish ceorls cerci cercis cercises cere cerecloth cerecloths ceres ceric cerise cerises cerite cerites cermet cermets cero ceros cerotic cert certes certie certs cess cesse cesser cesti cestoi cestos cete cetes ch che check checker checkers checkier checkiest checkless checklist checklists checks cheek cheeks cheer cheerio cheerios cheero cheeros cheers chekist chekists chem chemic chemics chemise chemises chemist chemists chemo chemos chems cher chere cherem cherems chert cherts chesil chesils chess chessel chest chestier chests chi chic chicer chicest chick chickee chickees chicks chicle chicles chico chicos chicot chicots chics chiel chiels chik chikor chikors chiks chile chiles chime chimer chimere chimeres chimers chimes chimo chirk chirkest chirks chirl chirls chirm chirms chiro chiros chirt chirts chis chisel chiseler chiselers chisels chit chits chloric chlorite chlorites choc chock chocker chocks chocs choice choicer choices choicest choil choils choir choirs choke choker chokers chokes chokier chokies chokiest chokri chokris choler choleric cholers cholesteric choli cholic cholis choltries chore choree chorees choreic chores choric chorises chorism chorisms chorist chorists chortle chortles chose choses chrism chrisms chrisom chrisoms christom christoms chrome chromel chromels chromes chromic chromiest chromise chromises