Definition of Screech-owl


  • small North American owl having hornlike tufts of feathers whose call sounds like a quavering whistle
    - otus asio
  • any owl that has a screeching cry
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Screech_owl

  • Scrabble® score of the screech_owl (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the screech_owl (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the screech_owl (22)

Unscramble screech_owl

415 unscramble word found using the letters screech_owl.

cee cees cel cels ceorl ceorls cere ceres cero ceros ch che cheer cheero cheeros cheers cher chere chew chewer chewers chews choc chocs choler cholers chore choree chorees chores chose chow chows chowse cleche clew clews cloche cloches close closer clow clows coch coches coerce coerces cohere coheres col cole coles cols cor core cores cors corse cos cose cosec cosech cosh cosher cow cower cowers cowheel cowheels cowl cowls cows creche creches cree creel creels crees creesh creole creoles cresol crew crewe crewel crewels crewes crews croc croche croches crocs crow crows ecce ecco ech eche eches echo echoer echoers echoes echos eclose eco ecorche ecorches ecos ee eech eel eels eew eh ehs el els else eorl eorls er ere eres eros erose ers es eschew escroc escrol escrow ewe ewer ewers ewes he heel heels hele heles helo helos her here heres herl herls hero heroe heroes heros hers herse hes hew hewer hewers hews ho hoc hoe hoer hoers hoes hole holes hols hore hors horse hos hose hosel hoser how howe howes howl howler howlers howls howre howres hows lech lecher lechers leches lechwe lechwes lee leech leer leers lees lehr lehrs lere leres