Definition of Shareware


  • software that is available free of charge
    may be distributed for evaluation with a fee requested for additional features or a manual etc.
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Shareware

  • Scrabble® score of the shareware (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the shareware (16)
  • Words With Friends® score of the shareware (14)

Unscramble shareware

203 unscramble word found using the letters shareware.

aa aah aahs aas ae ah aha ahs ar arar arars are area areae arear arears areas arere ares arew arrah arras ars arse as asar asea ash aw awa aware awarer awash awe awee awes ea ear ears eas ease easer ee eew eh ehs er era eras erase eraser ere eres err errs ers es ewe ewer ewers ewes ha haar haars hae haeres haes hare hares has haw haws hawse hawser he hear heare hearer hearers heares hears hearse her here heres hers herse hes hew hewer hewers hews rah rahs rare raree rares ras rase raser rash rasher raw rawer raws re rear rears ree rees reh rehear rehears rehs res resaw resew resh rew rewash rewear rewears rews rhea rheas sae sar saree saw sawah sawer sea sear seare searer seaware see seer ser sera sere serer serr serra serrae serre sew sewar sewer sh sha share sharer shareware shaw she shea shear shearer sheer shere shew shewer shrew shwa sware swear swearer swee sweer waah wae waes war ware wares warre wars was wase wash washer we wear wearer wearers wears wee weer wees were wersh wersher wha whae whare whares whear wheare whee