Definition of Shell-shock


  • a mental disorder caused by stress of active warfare
    - battle fatigue - combat fatigue - combat neurosis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Shell_shock

  • Scrabble® score of the shell_shock (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the shell_shock (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the shell_shock (23)

Unscramble shell_shock

190 unscramble word found using the letters shell_shock.

cel cell cello cellos cells cels cess ch che chess choke chokes chose choses cloke clokes close closes coke cokes col cole coles coll colls cols cos cose coses cosh coshes coss ech echo echos eco ecos eh ehs el elk elks ell ells els es ess he hech heck hecks heh hehs hell hello hellos hells helo helos hes ho hoc hock hockle hockles hocks hoe hoes hoh hohs hoke hokes hole holes holk holks hols hos hose hosel hosels hoses hoss kell kells kesh ko koel koels kohl kohls kos koses koss lech lek leks les less lo loch lochs lock lockless locks loess loke lokes los lose losel losels loses losh loss och oche oches oe oes oh ohs oke okeh okehs okes ole oles os ose oses sc sec sech sechs seco secs sekos sel sell sells sels sesh sh she shell shells shellshock sheol sheols shes shh shlock shlocks sho shock shocks shoe shoes skell skelloch skellochs skells skeo skeos skol skols skosh sloe sloes sloke slokes slosh so soc soces sock socks socle socles socs soh sohs soke sokes sol sole soles sols sos