Definition of Shortia


  • any plant of the genus Shortia
    evergreen perennial herbs with smooth leathery basal leaves and showy white solitary flowers
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Shortia

  • Scrabble® score of the shortia (10)
  • Word Chums® score of the shortia (10)
  • Words With Friends® score of the shortia (9)

Unscramble shortia

229 unscramble word found using the letters shortia.

ah ahi ahis ahs ai air airs airshot airt airth airths airts ais ait aits aorist ar ariot aris arish aristo ars art arti artis arts as ash astir at ats ha hair hairs hairst hao haos haro haros hart harts has hast hat hats hi his hist hit hits ho hoa hoar hoars hoas hoast hoi hois hoist hora horas hori horis hors horst hos host hosta hot hots io ios iota iotas is ish iso it ita itas its oar oars oast oat oath oaths oats oh ohia ohias ohs oi ois or ora orisha ors ort orts os osar ostia rah rahs rai rais rait raits ras rash rast rat rath raths ratio ratios rato ratos rats rho rhos ria rias riot riots rit rits roast roist roshi rosit rost rosti rot rota rotas roti rotis rots sai sair saith sar sari sat sati satori sh sha shart shat shir shirt shit sho shoat short shortia shot shri si sir sit sitar sith so soar soh sora sori sort sorta sot soth sri st stair star stir stoa stoai stria ta tahr tahrs tai tais taish tao taos tar taro taros tars tarsi tas tash thar thars