Definition of Shostakovich


  • Russian composer best known for his fifteen symphonies (1906-1975)
    - dmitri shostakovich - dmitri dmitrievich shostakovich
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Shostakovich

  • Scrabble® score of the shostakovich (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the shostakovich (33)
  • Words With Friends® score of the shostakovich (27)

Unscramble shostakovich

587 unscramble word found using the letters shostakovich.

ach achoo achoos act acts ah ahchoo ahh ahhs ahi ahis ahs ai ais ait aitch aits as asci ascot ascots ash ask askoi askos asks ass assot at atishoo atishoos atoc atocs atok atoks ats aviso avisos avo avos cahoot cahoots cash cashoo cashoos cask casks cast casts cat cats ch cha chai chais chao chaos chas chat chats chav chavish chavs chi chia chiao chias chik chiks chis chit chits chiv chivs choko chokos chook chooks chota ciao ciaos cis cist cists cit cito cits civ civs coast coasts coat coati coatis coats coho cohos cohosh cohost cohosts coit coits coo cook cooks coos coost coot coots cos cosh coss cost costa costs cot coth coths cots ha hachis hachoo hack hacks hah hahs haick haicks haik haiks haith hao haos has hash hask hasks hass hassock hast hat hatch hath hats havoc havocs hi hic hick hicks his hish hiss hist hists hit hitch hits ho hoa hoas hoast hoasts hoc hock hocks hoh hoha hohs hoi hoick hoicks hoik hoiks hois hoist hoists hoka hokas hoki hokis hoo hooch hook hooka hookah hookahs hookas hooks hoos hoosh hoot hootch hoots hos hoss host hosta hostas hosts