Definition of Softheartedness


  • a feeling of concern for the welfare of someone (especially someone defenseless)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Softheartedness

  • Scrabble® score of the softheartedness (22)
  • Word Chums® score of the softheartedness (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the softheartedness (22)

Unscramble softheartedness

2685 unscramble word found using the letters softheartedness.

ad adenoses adhere adherent adherents adheres ado adore adores adorn adorns ados ads ae aedes aeon aeons aero aeros aestheses aesthete aesthetes aether aethers afore afreet afreets afresh afro afront afros aft after afters ah ahed ahent ahorse ahs an and andro andros ands ane anes anode anodes anoeses another ans ant ante anted anteed antes anther anthers antheses anthro anthros antre antres ants ar ard ardent ards are ared arede aredes arene arenes arenose ares aret arete aretes arets arett aretted aretts arf arfs arose ars arse arsed arseno arses arsheen arsheens arson arsons art arts as ash ashed ashen ashes ashet ashets ashore ass assed assent assented assenter assenters assentor assentors assents assert asserted asserts asses asset assets assort assorted assorts assot assots assott assotted aster astern asters astert asterted asterts asthore asthores astone astoned astones at ate ates atheteses athetoses atone atoned atoner atoners atones ats att attend attendee attendees attender attenders attends attone attoned attones attorn attorned attorns da dae daes daft dafter daftest daftness daftnesses dah dahs dan dans dant dants dare dares darn darnest darnests darns dart darts das dash dasheen dasheens dasher dashers dashes dast date dater daters dates dato datos datto dattos