Definition of Sportfishing


  • the act of someone who fishes as a diversion
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble sportfishing

893 unscramble word found using the letters sportfishing.

fig fight fights figo figos figs fin fini finis finish finito fino finos fins fiorin fiorins fir firing firings firn firns firs first firsts firth firths fish fishing fishings fission fist fisting fistings fists fit fits fog fogs foh fohn fohns fohs foin foins foist foisting foists fon fons font fonts fop fops for forint forints forpit forpits fort forth forting fortis forts foss frig fright frights frigot frigots frigs fripon fripons fris frisson frist fristing frists frit frith friths frits fro frog frogs froing froings frons front fronts fros frosh frost frosting frostings frostnip frostnips frosts froth frothing frothings froths ghi ghis ghost ghosts gi gif gifs gift gifts giftshop giftshops gin gins ginshop ginshops gio gios gip gipon gipons gips giri giris girn girns giro giron girons giros girsh girt girth girths girts gis gist gists git gits gnosis go gon gonif gonifs gons gor gori goris gorp gorps gors gos gosh gosht goshts goss gossip got goth goths grift grifts grin grins griot griots grip grips gript gris grison grisons grissino grist grists grit grith griths grits groin groins gross grot grots hi hin hing hings hins hint hints hioi hiois hip hips hipt hiring hirings his