Definition of Surfboarding


  • the sport of riding a surfboard toward the shore on the crest of a wave
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Surfboarding

  • Scrabble® score of the surfboarding (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the surfboarding (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the surfboarding (23)

Unscramble surfboarding

1353 unscramble word found using the letters surfboarding.

ab abid abo aboding abord abording abords abos abound abounds abri abrin abrins abris abs absurd abusing abusion ad adios ado adonis adoring adorn adorns ados ads adsorb adsorbing afro afros ag agin agio agios ago agon agons agrin agrins agro agros aground ags ai aid aidos aids ain ains air airbound airbus airgun airguns airn airns airs ais an and andro andros ands ani anis ans anu anus ar arb arbor arbors arbour arbours arbs ard ardor ardors ardour ardours ardri ardris ards arf arfs argon argons argus arid aris aroid aroids around arousing arris ars arsing arsino arson as auding audings audio audios auf aufs auris ba bad badious bads bag bagnio bagnios bags baguio baguios bairn bairns ban band bandog bandogs bands bang bangs bani bans bar bard barding bardo bardos bards barf barfi barfing barfis barfs baring barn barns baron barong barongs barons barring barrings barrio barrios barro bars bas basin basing basion bason baud baudrons bauds baur baurs bausond bi bias bid bidon bidons bids big biga bigos bigs bin bind binds bing bingo bingos bings bins bio biog biogas biogs bios bird birds birdsong biro biros birr birrs bis bison bo boa boar board