Definition of Synentognathi


  • order of fishes having spineless fins
    flying fishes
    - order synentognathi
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Synentognathi

  • Scrabble® score of the synentognathi (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the synentognathi (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the synentognathi (22)

Unscramble synentognathi

1389 unscramble word found using the letters synentognathi.

ae aegis aeon aeons ag age ageist agen agent agents ages agin agio agios agist agnise ago agon agone agones agonies agonise agonist agons agony ags ah ahent ahi ahing ahint ahis ahoy ahs ai aight ain aine ains ais ait aits an ane anenst anent anes anginose angst angsty ani anigh anight anion anions anis anise ann anno annoy annoying annoys anns anoint anoints anon ans ant ante anteing antes anti antient antients antigen antigens anting antings antis ants antsy any anyon anyone anyones anyons anything anythings as aseity ash ashen ashet ashine ashing ashy astheny astone astoning astony astonying at ate ates atheist atone atones atonies atoning atony ats att attone attones attoning ay aye ayes ayin ayins ayont ays ea ean eaning eans eas easing east easting easy easying eat eath eating eatings eats egis ego egoist egoity egos egotist eh ehing ehs eight eights eighty eina eish en enation enations eng engs ennog ennogs ens ensign entia entity ents eoan eon eonian eons eosin es est estating et eta etas etat etats eth ethion ethions ethnos ethos eths etna etnas ettin ettins eyas eying eyot eyots gae gaen gaes gahnite gahnites gaiety gain gainest gains gainst