Definition of Tachymeter


  • a theodolite designed for rapid measurements
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tachymeter

  • Scrabble® score of the tachymeter (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the tachymeter (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tachymeter (20)

Unscramble tachymeter

416 unscramble word found using the letters tachymeter.

ace acer ach ache achy acme acre act ae aery aether ah ahem am ame ameer amerce ar arc arch are aret arete arett arm armet army art arty ary at ate att ay aye ayre cam came car care careme caret cart carte cat cate cater catheter cattery catty cay cee cerate cere cermet cert certy cete ch cha cham char chare charet charette charm chart chary chat chatter chattery chatty chay che cheat cheater cheatery cheer cheery chem cher chere cherem chert cherty chyme cram crame crate cray cream creamy create cree crem cremate creme cry cyma cymae cymar cyme cyte ea each ear earth earthy eat eatche eater eatery eath eathe ecarte ech eche echt ecthyma ee eech eery eh em eme emery er era erathem ere erect erm erythema et eta etat etch etcher eth ethe ether etyma eye eyer eyra eyre ha hae haem haet ham hame hare hareem harem harm hart hat hate hater hatter hay hayer he heame hear heare heart hearty heat heater hectare hem heme her here hereat herem herm herma hermae hery herye het hete hey hm hye hyte ma mac mace macer mach mache macher machete machree mae mar