Definition of Technobabble


  • technical jargon from computing and other high-tech subjects
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Technobabble

  • Scrabble® score of the technobabble (23)
  • Word Chums® score of the technobabble (31)
  • Words With Friends® score of the technobabble (28)

Unscramble technobabble

548 unscramble word found using the letters technobabble.

ab abb abbe abbot abcee abele abet able ablet abo ace acetone ach ache achene acne act acton ae aeon ah ahent al alb albe albee alco ale alebench alec alee aloe alone alt altho alto an ance ancho ancle ane anele anethol anethole anole ant ante at ate atoc atone ba babble babe babel bac bach bacon bael bah baht bal balconet bale baleen ban banc banco bane bant bat batch bate bath bathe baton be beach beacon beal bean beano beat beaten beath beclothe bee beech been beenah beento beet behote bel belace belah belate belch belon belt ben bench bene beneath benet bent benthal benthoal bento bet beta betcha bete betel beth bethel beton bhat bhel blab blae blah blanch blanco blat blate bleach bleat bleb blech blee blench blent blet bloat blob bloc blot blotch bo boa boab boat boatel bob boba bobac bobble bobcat bobeche boblet boche boet boh bohea bola bole bolete bolt bon bona bonce bone bot bota botch bote botel both bothan cab cable cablet cabob cal calo can cane caneh canoe cant cantle canto cat cate cathole cee cel celeb celt cenote cent cental cento cetane cete ch cha chaebol chal