Definition of Teratology


  • the branch of biology concerned with the development of malformations or serious deviations from the normal type of organism
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Teratology

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  • Word Chums® score of the teratology (15)
  • Words With Friends® score of the teratology (15)

Unscramble teratology

415 unscramble word found using the letters teratology.

ae aero aerology aery ag age ager aglet agley agloo agly ago agorot agro al ale alert algor aloe aloo alt alter alto ar are areg areology aret arett argle argol argot argyle arle art artel arty ary aryl at ate att ay aye aygre ayre ea ear earl early eat egal ego el elogy elt elytra eorl er era erg ergo ergot et eta etat eyot eyra gae gal gale galoot galore gaol gaoler gar gare garote garotte gart gat gate gater gator gay gayer geal gear geat gel gelato gelt geo geolatry ger gert get geta gey glare glary gley gloat gloater glory go goa goal goary goat goaty goe goel goer goety goey gole goo gooey gool gooley gooly goor gooral goory gor gora goral gore gory got gotta goy goyle grat grate gray grayle great greatly grey groat grooly grot grotto grotty gyal gyral gyrate gyre gyro gyte la laer lag lager lar lare large largo lat late later latte latter lay layer lea lear leary leat leg legato legator let ley lo log loge logo logy loo looey loor loot looter lor lorate lore lory lot lota lote loto lotte lotter lottery lotto loy lyart