Definition of Terramycin


  • a yellow crystalline antibiotic (trademark Terramycin) obtained from a soil actinomycete
    used to treat various bacterial and rickettsial infections
    - hydroxytetracycline - oxytetracycline hydrochloride
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Terramycin

  • Scrabble® score of the terramycin (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the terramycin (22)
  • Words With Friends® score of the terramycin (19)

Unscramble terramycin

556 unscramble word found using the letters terramycin.

ace acer acetin acme acmite acne acre act actin ae aery ai aiery aim aimer ain aine air airer airmen airn airt airy ait am ame amen amenity ament ami amice amie amin amine amir amity amnic amrit an ance ane anemic anetic ani anime ant ante anti antic antre any anytime ar arc arcmin are areic aret arm armer armet army arrect arret art artery arti artic artier arty ary at ate atimy ay aye ayin ayre ayrie cain cairn cairny cam came cami can cane caner canier cant canter cantier canty cany car care carer caret carmen carmine carn carnet carney carnie carnier carny carr carry cart carte carter cat cate cater cay cent centai centra centry ceratin ceria cert certain certy cimar cine cinema cinerary cire cirrate cit cite citer city cram crame cran crane crare crate crater cray crayer cream creamy creant creatin crem cremant crena cretin cria criant crier crim crime crimen crinate crine crit cry cryer cyan cyanite cyma cymae cymar cyme cyte ea ean ear earn eat eina em emic emicant emir emit en enact enarm enatic encraty eniac enmity entia entry er era eric erica erm ern err errancy errant erratic et