Definition of Terrifically


  • (used as an intensifier) extremely well
    "her voice is superbly disciplined"
    "the colors changed wondrously slowly"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Terrifically

  • Scrabble® score of the terrifically (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the terrifically (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the terrifically (22)

Unscramble terrifically

716 unscramble word found using the letters terrifically.

ace acer acetify acetyl acre act acyl ae aerify aerily aery afire afrit aft after ai aiery ail air airer airier airily airlift airt airy ait al ale alec alef aleft alert alertly alf alif alit all alley allice ally alt alter ar arc are arefy areic aret arf ariel aril arilli arle arrect arret art artel artery arti artic article artier artifice artificer artillery artily arty ary aryl at ate atelic ay aye ayre ayrie caf cafe caille cal calefy calf calif call caller callet car care carer caret carl carle carr carrel carrell carry cart carte cartel carter cat cate cater cay ceil ceili cel cell cella cellar celli celt ceria cerrial cert certify certy cetyl ciel cilia ciliary ciliate ciliately cill cire cirl cirrate cirri cit cital cite citer citify citral city claret clarifier clarify clarity clart clartier clarty clary clat clay clayier clear clearly cleat clef cleft clift cliftier clifty clit cly craft crafter craftier craftily crafty crare crate crater cray crayer cria crier crit criteria criterial cry cryer cyte ea ear earl early eat eclair eclat ef eft el elf elicit ell elt elytra elytral er era erf eric erica err erratic et eta etic