Definition of Testatrix


  • a female testator
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Testatrix

  • Scrabble® score of the testatrix (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the testatrix (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the testatrix (16)

Unscramble testatrix

308 unscramble word found using the letters testatrix.

ae aesir ai air airest airs airt airts ais ait aits ar are ares aret arets arett aretts aris arise ars arse art arti arties artiest artis artist artiste arts artsie as aster astert astir at ate ates ats att attest attire attires attrist attrit attrite attrites attrits ax axe axes axis axite axites ea ear ears earst eas east eat eats er era eras ers erst es est et eta etas etat etatist etats ex exist exit exits extra extrait extraits extras irate iratest ire ires is it ita itas its rai rais raise rait raits ras rase rast rat rate rates ratite ratites rats rattiest rax raxes re reast rei reis reist res resat resit rest ret retax retia rets rex ria rias rise rit rite rites rits ritt ritts sae sai sair sar sari sat sate sati satire sax saxe sea sear seat sei seir ser sera serai set seta sett sex sext si sir sire sit sitar site sittar sitter six sixer sixte sri st stair star stare start stat state stater stear stet stie stir stire strae strait strati stretta stretti stria striae striate ta tae taes tai tais tait taits tar tare tares tars