Definition of Tetrachlorethylene


  • anthelmintic agent used against hookworm and other nematodes
    - ethylene tetrachloride - carbon dichloride
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tetrachlorethylene

  • Scrabble® score of the tetrachlorethylene (29)
  • Word Chums® score of the tetrachlorethylene (34)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tetrachlorethylene (30)

Unscramble tetrachlorethylene

1778 unscramble word found using the letters tetrachlorethylene.

ace acer acetone acetyl acetylene ach ache achene achy acne acolyte acolyth acorn acre acro acron acroter act acton actor actorly acyl ae aeon aero aery aether ah ahent ahh ahoy al alco ale alec alectryon alee alerce alert alerter alertly aleye all allee alley allot allottee allotter allottery alloy ally aloe alone alonely alt alter alterer altern alterne altho althorn alto an ance ancho anchor anchoret anchorette ancle ane anele anerly anethol anethole anole anolyte another ant ante anther anthro antler antre any ar arc arch archer archery archlet archly archon arco are arene areole arere aret arete arett arle aroynt arrect arret art artel artery arty ary aryl at ate athlete athrocyte atoc atoll atone atoner atony att attelet attent attollent attonce attone attorn attorney ay aye ayont ayre cal call callee caller callet calo calory calotte caloyer can cane caneh caner canoe canoer cant canter cantle cantlet canto cantor canty cany car care careen careener career carer caret carl carle carlot carn carnet carney carny carol caroler caroller caron carotene carr carrel carrell carron carrot carroty carry carryon cart carte cartel carter carton cat cate cater caterer catheter cathole catholyte catolyte cattery cattle catty cay cee cel