Definition of Thecodontia


  • extinct terrestrial reptiles having teeth set in sockets
    of the late Permian to Triassic
    - order thecodontia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thecodontia

  • Scrabble® score of the thecodontia (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the thecodontia (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thecodontia (18)

Unscramble thecodontia

659 unscramble word found using the letters thecodontia.

ace aced acetin ach ache ached achiote achoo acid acne acned acnode aconite act acted actin action actioned acton ad adit ado ae aeon aeonic ah ahed ahent ahi ahind ahint ai aid aide ain aine ait aitch an ance ancho and ane anetic ani anode anodic anoetic ant ante anted anthoid anti antic antidote at ate athetoid atoc atone atoned atonic att attend attic attonce attone attoned cad cade cadent cadet cadi cadie cahoot caid cain can candie cane caned caneh canid canoe canoed cant canted canthi canto cat cate catenoid cathode cathood cation catted cattie cedi cent centai cento ch cha chad chado chaetodon chai chain chaine chained chant chanted chantie chao chat chaton chatted chatti che cheat chi chia chiao chid chide chin china chine chined chino chit chiton chitted chode chon choon chota chott ciao cid cide cine cion cit cite cited cito cnida cnidae coat coate coated coati coattend cod coda code codeia codein codeina coden codetta codon coed coedit cohead cohen coho cohoe coin coined coit con cond condie condo cone coned coni conia conoid conte conto coo cooed coon coontie coot cootie cot cotan cote coted coth cott cotta cottae cotted cottid cottoid