Definition of Themistocles


  • Athenian statesman who persuaded Athens to build a navy and then led it to victory over the Persians (527-460 BC)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Themistocles

  • Scrabble® score of the themistocles (19)
  • Word Chums® score of the themistocles (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the themistocles (21)

Unscramble themistocles

1124 unscramble word found using the letters themistocles.

cee cees ceil ceils cel celom celoms cels celt celts cess cesse cesti cestoi cestos cete cetes ch che chem chemise chemises chemist chemists chemo chemos chems chesil chesils chess chessel chest chestiest chests chi chiel chiels chile chiles chime chimes chimo chis chisel chisels chit chits choil choils choli cholis chose choses chott chotts ciel ciels cis cist cists cit cite cites citess cito citole citoles cits clem clems cleome cleomes clies clime climes clit clits close closes closest closet closets clot clote clotes cloth clothe clothes cloths clots clottish coesite coesites coil coils coit coits col cole coles coletit coletits colies cols colt coltish colts come comeliest comes comet cometh comets comites coms comte comtes cos cose coses coset cosets cosh coshes cosie cosies cosiest cosmist coss cosset cossie cost coste costes costliest costs cot cote cotes coth coths cotise cotises cots cott cottise cottises cotts ecesis ech eche eches echo echoes echoiest echoise echoises echoism echoisms echoist echoists echoless echos echt eclose ecloses eco ecos ee eech eel eels eh ehs eisel eisels eish el elchi elchis elect elects elemi elemis elhi eliche eliches elite elites elm elmiest elms els else elt eltchi eltchis elts em eme