Definition of Thermometric


  • of or relating to thermometry
    "helium gas was the thermometric fluid"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thermometric

  • Scrabble® score of the thermometric (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the thermometric (28)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thermometric (23)

Unscramble thermometric

540 unscramble word found using the letters thermometric.

cee cere cerite cermet cero cert certie cete ch che cheer cheerio cheero chem chemo cher chere cherem chert chertier chi chime chimer chimere chimo chirm chiro chirr chirre chirt chit chitter choir chommie chore choree chorrie chott chrome chromier chromite cire cit cite citer cither cito coheir cohere coherer coir coit come comer comet cometh comether comm commer commere commie commit committee committer comte cor core corer corm corrie cot cote coterie coth cott cotter cottier cree crem creme cremor crier crim crime crimmer crit crith critter crome crore ech eche echo echoer echoier echt eco ectotherm ee eech eh either em eme emetic emic emir emit emitter emmer emmet emo emote emoter er ere erect erector eremic erethic eric erm erotetic erotic err et etch etcher eth ethe ether etheric ethic etic etrier he hector hectorer heir hem heme hemic hemmer her here herem heretic hereto heriot heritor herm hermetic hermit hero heroe heroic het hete hetero heterotic hettie hi hic hie him hire hiree hirer hit hitter hm hmm ho hoc hoe hoer hoi hom home homer homeric homie homier homme hore hori horme hormetic hormic hot hote hotter hottie ice icer ich ichor io ire it