Definition of Thimbleful


  • as much as a thimble will hold
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thimbleful

  • Scrabble® score of the thimbleful (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the thimbleful (26)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thimbleful (24)

Unscramble thimbleful

217 unscramble word found using the letters thimbleful.

be befit beflum bel bell belt bet beth bhel bhut bi bile bill billet bit bite blet blit blite blithe blitheful blue bluet blume buftie buhl built bull bullet bum bumf but bute butle ef eft eh el elf elhi ell elm elt em emf emit emu et eth etui fe feh fehm fell felt fem fet feu fib fie fil file filet fill fille fillet film filth filum fimble fit flemit flim flit flite flu flub flue flume flute fub fuel full fum fumble fume fumet futile he heft heil heli helium hell helm hem het hi hie hill hilt hilum him hit hm hub hue hui hule hull hum humble humf humite humlie hut if ileum ill illth illume imbue it item left lei let leu li lib libel lie lief lieu life lift lilt limb lime lit lite lith lithe litu lube luit lum lute me meh meith mel mell melt met meth metif meu mi mib mil mile milf mill mille millet milt mite mu mufti muil mule mulie mull mullet mullite mut mute muti te tef teil tel telium tell the thelf them thible thief thill thimble thimbleful thumb ti tie til tile till time