Definition of Thoracocentesis


  • removal of fluid from the chest by centesis for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thoracocentesis

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  • Words With Friends® score of the thoracocentesis (24)

Unscramble thoracocentesis

4776 unscramble word found using the letters thoracocentesis.

accent accentor accentors accents access accession accite accites accost accosts accrete accretes accretion accretions ace acentric acentrics acer acerose acers aces acescent acescents acetic acetin acetins acetone acetones acetonic acetose ach ache achene achenes aches achier achiest achiness achiote achiotes achoo achoos acinose acne acnes aconite aconites acorn acorns acre acres acro acron acronic acrons acros across acrostic acrostics acrotic act actin actins action actioner actioners actions acton actons actor actorish actors actress acts ae aeon aeonic aeons aerie aeries aeriest aero aeros aerotone aerotones aesc aesces aesir aesthetic aesthetics aether aetheric aethers ah ahent ahi ahint ahis ahorse ahs ai ain aine ainee ains air aircon aircons airest airn airns airs airshot airshots airt airth airths airts ais ait aitch aitches aits an ance ancestor ancestors ancestries ancho anchor anchoress anchoret anchoretic anchorets anchorette anchorettes anchorite anchorites anchors anchos ancress ane anechoic anes anesthetic anesthetics anestri anetic ani anis anise anises anisette anisettes anoeses anoesis anoestri anoetic anorectic anorectics anoretic anoretics anorthic anorthite anorthites anorthosite anorthosites another ans ant ante antecessor antechoir antechoirs antes anther anthers antheses anthesis anthro anthros anti antic antics antihero antiheroes antis antitheses antre antres ants antsier antsiest aorist aorists aortic ar arc arccos arccoses