Definition of Thoriated


  • being or sounding of nervous or suppressed laughter
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thoriated

  • Scrabble® score of the thoriated (13)
  • Word Chums® score of the thoriated (13)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thoriated (12)

Unscramble thoriated

400 unscramble word found using the letters thoriated.

ad adit ado adore adroit ae aero ah ahed ahi ai aid aide aider air aired airt airted airth airthed ait ar ard are ared aret arett arid ariot aroid art arti at ate athetoid att attire attired da dae dah dare dari dart date dater dato datto de deair dear dearth death dehair dehort dei derat dero derth detort dhoti di die diet diota dire dirt dit dita dite dither ditt ditto do doat doater doe doer doeth doh doit dor dore dort dot dote doter doth dotier dotter dottier drat droit ea ear eard earth eat eath ed edh edit editor eh er era et eta etat eth ha had hade hae haed haet hair hairdo haired hao hard hare hared haro hart hat hate hated hater hatred hatted hatter he head hear heard heart heat heid heir her herd heriot hero het hi hid hide hider hie hied hiera hire hired hit hitter ho hoa hoaed hoar hoard hoared hod hoe hoed hoer hoi hoied hora horde hore hori hot hote hotted hotter hottie id ide idea io iodate iota irade irate ire ired it ita ither oar oared oat oater oath oatier od oda odah ode