Definition of Thujopsis


  • one species
    has close similarity to genus Thuja
    - genus thujopsis
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thujopsis

  • Scrabble® score of the thujopsis (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the thujopsis (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thujopsis (24)

Unscramble thujopsis

250 unscramble word found using the letters thujopsis.

hi hip hips hipt his hiss hist hists hit hits ho hoi hois hoist hoists hop hops hos hoss host hosts hot hots hout houts hui huis hup hupot hups huso husos huss hut huts io ios is ish iso isos it its jo joist joists josh joss jot jots joust jousts jus just justs jut juts oh ohs oi ois op ops opt opts opus os ou oup ouph ouphs oups ous oust ousts out outs ph phi phis pho phos phot phots phs pht phut phuts pi pious pis pish piso pisos piss pistou pistous pit pith pithos piths pits piu po poh pohs poi pois pos posh posit posits poss post posts pot pots pout pouts psi psis psst pst ptosis ptui puh pus push puss put putois puts sh ship ships shiso shist shit shits sho shoji shojis shop shops shot shots shout shouts shtup shtups shut shuts si sijo sijos sip sips sis sist sit sith sits situp situps situs so soh sohs soju sojus sop soph sophist sophs sops sos sot soth soths sots sou soup soups sous sout south souths souts spit spits sposh spot spots spout spouts st stop stops stoup stoups