Definition of Thysanoptera


  • thrips
    - order thysanoptera
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Thysanoptera

  • Scrabble® score of the thysanoptera (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the thysanoptera (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the thysanoptera (20)

Unscramble thysanoptera

1817 unscramble word found using the letters thysanoptera.

aa aah aahs aas ae aeon aeons aero aeros aerosat aerostat aery ah aha aheap ahent ahorse ahoy ahs an ana anapest anaphor anaphors anas anastrophe anatropy anatto anattos ane anear anears aneath anes anestra anoa anoas anoestra another ans ansa ansae ansate ant anta antae antar antars antas ante antepast antes anther anthers anthro anthros antra antre antres ants antsy any aorta aortae aortas apart apathy apay apays ape aper apers apert apery apes aphony apnea apneas apnoea apnoeas apo aport apos apostate apres apron aprons apse apso apt apter aptest aptote aptotes apts apyrase ar arayse are area areas arena arenas arepa arepas ares aret arets arett aretts arhat arhats arna arnas arnatto arnattos aroha arohas arose aroynt aroynts arpa arpas arpen arpens arpent arpents ars arse arseno arsey arson arsy art arts artsy arty ary as asar asea ash ashen ashery ashet ashore ashpan ashtray ashy asp aspen asper asport aspro astare astart aster astern astert astheny asthore astone astony astray at atap ataps atar atars ate ates athanor athanors atone atoner atoners atones atony atop atopy atrophy ats att attap attaps attar attars attone attones attorn attorney attorneys attorns attrahens attrap attraps ay ayah ayahs aye