Definition of Toaster


  • a kitchen appliance (usually electric) for toasting bread
  • someone who proposes a toast
    someone who drinks to the health of success of someone or some venture
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Toaster

  • Scrabble® score of the toaster (7)
  • Word Chums® score of the toaster (7)
  • Words With Friends® score of the toaster (7)

Unscramble toaster

228 unscramble word found using the letters toaster.

ae aero aeros ar are ares aret arets arett aretts arose ars arse art arts as aster astert at ate ates ats att ea ear ears earst eas east eat eats er era eras eros ers erst es est estro et eta etas etat etats oar oars oast oat oater oaters oats oe oes or ora orate orates ore ores ors ort orts os osar ose osetra ottar ottars otter otters ras rase rast rat rate rates rato ratos rats re reast reo reos res resat rest resto ret rets roast roate roates roe roes rose roset rost rot rota rotas rotate rotates rote rotes rots rotte rottes sae sar sat sate sea sear seat ser sera set seta sett so soar soare sora sore sort sorta sot st star stare start stat state stater stator stear stet stoa stoae stoat store stot strae ta tae taes tao taos tar tare tares taro taros tarot tarots tars tart tarts tas tase taser taste taster tat tate tater taters tates tats te tea tear tears teas teat teats teras terts tes test testa tet tetra tetras tets to toast toaster toe toea toeas toes tor tora toras tore tores tors torse