Definition of Tomatillo


  • small edible yellow to purple tomato-like fruit enclosed in a bladderlike husk
    - husk tomato - mexican husk tomato
  • annual of Mexico and southern United States having edible purplish viscid fruit resembling small tomatoes
    - jamberry - mexican husk tomato - physalis ixocarpa
  • Mexican annual naturalized in eastern North America having yellow to purple edible fruit resembling small tomatoes
    - miltomate - purple ground cherry - jamberry - physalis philadelphica
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tomatillo

  • Scrabble® score of the tomatillo (11)
  • Word Chums® score of the tomatillo (15)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tomatillo (14)

Unscramble tomatillo

134 unscramble word found using the letters tomatillo.

ai ail aim ait al alit all allot aloo alt alto am ami at atilt atoll atom att ill io iota it ita la lam lat lati li lilo lilt lima limo lit lo loam loma loo loom loot lot lota loti loto lotto ma mail maill maillot mal mali mall maloti malt maltol mat matlo matt mi mil mill milo milt mitt mo moa moai moat moi moil moit mol mola molal moll molla molt molto moo mooi mool moola mooli moot mot moti mott motto oat oi oil olio olla olm om omit oo oom oot otto ta tai tail tait tali tall tallit tallot tam tao tat ti til till tilt timolol tit to toil toit tola toll tolt tom tomatillo tomato tomia tomial tomo too tool toom toot tot total