Definition of Tortoiseshell


  • a cat having black and cream-colored and yellowish markings
    - tortoiseshell cat - calico cat
  • brilliantly colored
    larvae feed on nettles
    - tortoiseshell butterfly
  • the mottled horny substance of the shell of some turtles
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tortoiseshell

  • Scrabble® score of the tortoiseshell (16)
  • Word Chums® score of the tortoiseshell (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tortoiseshell (17)

Unscramble tortoiseshell

1387 unscramble word found using the letters tortoiseshell.

ee eel eels eh ehs eisel eisell eisells eisels eish either el elhi elite elites ell ells els else elt elts eolith eoliths eorl eorls er ere eres eros erose eroses erotesis erotise erotises ers erses erst es eses esile esiles ess esse est ester esters estoile estoiles estriol estriols estro estros ests et eth ethe ether etherist etherists ethers ethos ethoses eths etoile etoiles ettle ettles he heel heels heil heils heir heiress heirless heirs heist heister heisters heists hele heles heli helio helios helioses helis hell heller helleri helleris hellers hellier helliers hello helloes hellos hells helo helos helot helotries helots her here heres hereto heries heriot heriots herisse herl herls hero heroe heroes heroise heroises heros hers herse herses hes hessite hest hests het hete hetero heteros heterosis hetes hets hettie hetties hi hie hies hill hiller hillers hillo hilloes hillos hills hilt hiltless hilts hire hiree hirees hires hirsel hirsels hirsle hirsles his hiss hisser hist hists hit hitless hits hitter hitters ho hoe hoer hoers hoes hoi hois hoise hoises hoist hoister hoisters hoists hole holeless holes holier holies holiest holist holists holler hollers hollies hollo holloes hollos holo holos hols holster holsters holt holts