Definition of Tribromomethane


  • colorless liquid haloform CHBr3
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tribromomethane

  • Scrabble® score of the tribromomethane (24)
  • Word Chums® score of the tribromomethane (30)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tribromomethane (27)

Unscramble tribromomethane

1784 unscramble word found using the letters tribromomethane.

ab aber abet abetment abetter abettor abhor abhorrent abmho abo abohm aboon abore aborne abort abortee aborter abortion abri abrim abrin ae aeon aerie aerier aero aerobe aerobiont aerobot aeronomer aerotone aether ah ahem ahent ahi ahint ai aim aimer ain aine ainee air airborne airer airmen airn airt airth ait am ambeer amber amberite ambient ambit ambo ambrette ame ameer amen amene ament ami amie amin amine amino amir ammeter ammine ammino ammo ammon ammonite ammono amnio amniote amoret amoretti amoretto amorino amort amotion amrit an ane ani anime anomie anorthite another ant ante antemortem anterior anteroom anthem anther anthro anti antihero antimere antre ar arb arbiter arbitrement arbor arboret arborio are arene arenite arere aret arete arett ariette ariot arithmometer arm armer armet armoire armor arnotto aroint arret art arti artier at ate atebrin atherine athrob atmometer atom atone atoner att attire attone attorn ba bah baht bairn bait baiter baith bam bammer ban bane bani bant banter banterer bar bare barer barite baritone barm barmen barmie barmier barn barnet barnier barometer baron baronet barre barren barret barrette barrie barrio barro barroom barter barton bat bate batement bath bathe bather bathometer bathroom batmen baton batoon batt batten battener