Definition of Trichobezoar


  • a compact mass of hair that forms in the alimentary canal (especially in the stomach of animals as a result of licking fur)
    - hair ball
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Trichobezoar

  • Scrabble® score of the trichobezoar (28)
  • Word Chums® score of the trichobezoar (32)
  • Words With Friends® score of the trichobezoar (119)

Unscramble trichobezoar

792 unscramble word found using the letters trichobezoar.

ab aber abet abhor abo abore abort aborter abri ace acer acerb ach ache achier achiote achoo acre acro acroter act actor ae aero aerobic aerobot ah ahi ai air airer airt airth ait aitch aortic ar arb arbiter arbor arboret arborio arborize arc arch archei archer archi arco are areic aret ariot arrect arret arroz art arti artic artier at ate athrob atoc azo azoic azote azoth azotic ba bac bach bah baht bait baiter baith baize bar bare barer baric barite barre barret barrico barrie barrio barro barter bat batch batcher bate bath bathe bather bazoo be beach bear beat beath berth bertha bet beta betcha beth bez bezoar bhai bhat bhoot bi biach biatch bice bier bio bioreactor biota biotech birch biro birr birrotch birth birther bit bitch bite biter bito biz bizarre bizarro bize bo boa boar boart boat boater boatie boche boet boh bohea boho boi boite boo booai booh boohai boor boot booth bootie booze boozer boozier bor bora borachio boracite borate bore borer boric bort bortier bortz borzoi bot bota botch botcher botchier bote both bother bothie bothria bozo bra brace bracer bracero brach brachet brachot bract brae braize brat braze brazer brazier