Definition of Tricholoma


  • agarics with white spores and a fleshy stalk and notched gills
    of various colors both edible and inedible
    - genus tricholoma
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tricholoma

  • Scrabble® score of the tricholoma (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the tricholoma (23)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tricholoma (19)

Unscramble tricholoma

517 unscramble word found using the letters tricholoma.

ach achoo acro acrolith act actor ah ahi ai ail aim air airt airth ait aitch al alco alit aloo alt altho alto am ami amir amort amrit aortic ar arc arch archi archil arco aril ariot arm armil art arti artic at atoc atom atomic cahoot cal calm calo cam cami camo car carl carlot carol caroli carom cart cat ch cha chai chair chal chalot cham chao char chariot charm chart chat chatroom chi chia chiao chimar chimla chimo chiral chirl chirm chiro chirt chit chital choil choir chola choli cholo choom choral choria chorial chota chroma chromo ciao cimar cirl cit cital cito citola citral claim clam clamor claro clart clat clit cloam cloot clot cloth coal coat coati coho cohort coil coir coit coital col cola color colt coma comal comart comital coo cool coolth coom coot cor coral coram coria corm cot coth cram cria crim crit crith crool crotal ha hail hair halimot halm halo halt ham hao haricot harim harl harlot harm haro hart hat hi hic hila hilar hilt him hit hm ho hoa hoar hoc hoi holm holmia holmic holo holt hom homa homo hoo hoor hoot hora horal hori hormic