Definition of Trifoliolate


  • (of a leaf shape) having three leaflets
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Trifoliolate

  • Scrabble® score of the trifoliolate (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the trifoliolate (17)
  • Words With Friends® score of the trifoliolate (17)

Unscramble trifoliolate

588 unscramble word found using the letters trifoliolate.

ae aero aerofoil afire afoot afore afrit afro aft after ai ail aioli air airfoil airlift airt ait al ale alef aleft alert alf alif alit all allot allotter aloe aloft aloo aloof alt alter alto ar are aret arett arf ariel aril arilli ariot arle art artel arti at ate atilt atoll att attire ea ear earl eat ef eft el elf ell elt eorl er era erf et eta etat fa fae fail faille fair faitor fall faller falter far fare farl farle faro farolito fart fat fate fatter fattier fe feal fear feart feat fell fella fellatio fellator felt fer feral feria ferial fet feta fetal fetial fetor fett fetta fiar fiat fie fier fil fila filar file filer filet filial filiate fill fille filler fillet fillo filo filter filtrate filtre fir fire firelit firie firlot fit fitlier fitt fitte fitter flail flair flare flat flatlet flatter flattie flea flier flir flirt flit flite flitt flitter float floatel floater floatier floe flooie floor flor flora florae floral floreat floret flota flote flotel foal foe foetal foetor foil folate folia foliar foliate folie folio foliolate foliole foo fool foot footer footie footier footle footler footlet footra footrail for