Definition of Tropaeolum


  • a tropical American genus of dicotyledonous climbing or diffuse pungent herbs constituting the family Tropaeolaceae
    - genus tropaeolum
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Tropaeolum

  • Scrabble® score of the tropaeolum (14)
  • Word Chums® score of the tropaeolum (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the tropaeolum (18)

Unscramble tropaeolum

623 unscramble word found using the letters tropaeolum.

ae aero al ale alert alme aloe aloo alp alt alter alto alu alum alumroot alure am ame amole amoret amort amour amp ample ampler ampoule ampul ampule amu amulet ape aper apert apo aport apt apter ar are aret arle arm armet armlet art artel arum at ate atom atop aue auto ea ear earl eat eau el elm elt elutor em emo emparl empart empt emu emulator eorl eprom er era erm erupt et eta euro la laer lam lame lamer lamp lamper lap lar lare larum lat late later latu lea leam leap leapt lear leat lemur lep lepra lept lepta lerp let letup leu lo loam loma lome loo loom loop looper loor loot looter lop lope loper lor lorate lore lot lota lote loto lou louma loup loupe lour loure lout lum luma lump lumper lur lure lute lutea luter ma mae maerl mal male malt map maple mar mare marl marle marplot mart martel mat mate mater matlo mature maul mauler maut me meal meat mel mela melt meou merl merlot met meta metal metol metoo metro meu mo moa moat moe moer mol mola molar mole molerat molt molter molto moo mool moola