Definition of Trophoblast


  • the membrane that forms the wall of the blastocyst in early development
    aids implantation in the uterine wall
    "after implantation of the blastocyst in the uterine wall the trophoblast divides into two layers, the chorion and the placenta"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble trophoblast

734 unscramble word found using the letters trophoblast.

ab abhor abhors abo abort aborts abos abs ah ahs al alb albs aloo aloos alp alps als also alt altho alto altos alts apo aport apos apso apt apts ar arb arbs ars art arts as ash asp asport aspro astoop at athrob atop ats att ba bah baht bahts bal baloo baloos bals bap baps bar barhop barhops barolo barolos barp barps bars barstool bas bash basho bast basto bat bath bathos baths bats batt batts bhat bhoot bhoots blah blahs blart blarts blash blast blastopor blat blats blatt blatts bloat bloats bloop bloops blot blots blotto bo boa boar boars boart boarts boas boast boat boatport boatports boats boh boho bohos bohs bola bolar bolas bolo bolos bolt bolts boo booh boohs bool bools boor boors boos boost boot booth booths bootlast boots bootstrap bop bops bor bora boral borals boras bors borsht borstal bort borts bos bosh boshta bot bota botas both bots bott botts bra brap bras brash brast brat brats bro broast broo brool brools broos bros broth brotha brothas broths ha halo halos halt halts hao haos hap haps harl harlot harlots harls haro haros harp harps hart harts has hasp hast hat