Definition of Umbellar


  • bearing or consisting of or resembling umbels
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Umbellar

  • Scrabble® score of the umbellar (12)
  • Word Chums® score of the umbellar (18)
  • Words With Friends® score of the umbellar (17)

Unscramble umbellar

196 unscramble word found using the letters umbellar.

ab aber able abler ae al alb albe album ale all allure alme alu alum alure am amber amble ambler ame amu ar arb are arle arm arum aue ba bael bal bale baler ball baller balm balu bam bar bare barm baur be beal beam bear beau bel belar bell bema bemaul berm blae blaer blam blame blamer blare blear blue bluer blume blur bra brae brame bream bru brule brumal brume bull bulla bullae buller bum bur bura burl ea ear earl eau el ell elm em emball embar emu er era erm erub la lab label labrum laer lam lamb lamber lame lamer lar lare larum laurel lea leal leam lear lemur leu lube lubra lum luma lumbar lumber lur lure ma mabe mae maerl mal male mall mar marble mare marl marle maul mauler me meal mel mela melba mell merl meu mu mule mull mulla muller mura mural mure murl rale ram ramble re real realm ream reb rem rub rube rubel rubella ruble rue rulable rule rum rumal rumba rumble rume ule ulema um umbel umbellar umber umble umbra umbrae umbral umbre umbrel umbrella umra ur urb ure urea ureal