Definition of Uncarbonated


  • not having carbonation
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Uncarbonated

  • Scrabble® score of the uncarbonated (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the uncarbonated (24)
  • Words With Friends® score of the uncarbonated (22)

Unscramble uncarbonated

1224 unscramble word found using the letters uncarbonated.

aa ab aba abac abactor aband abandon abandoner abate abated abater abator abature abduce abducent abduct abductor abear abed abend aber abet abo aboard abode abondance abord abore aborne abort aborted abound about abrade abreact abroad abuna abundance abundant abune abut acater acatour ace aced acer acerb aceta acne acned acnode acorn acorned acre acred acro acrobat acron act acta acted acton actor acture acuate acuated acute acuter ad adbot adnate adnoun ado adobe adore adorn adrate adunc aduncate ae aeon aero aerobat aeroduct aeronaut an ana anan ance ancon ancone ancora and andante andro ane anear anecdota anent ann anna annat anno anoa anode anon ant anta antae antar antbear ante anted antra antre anu anura anuran aorta aortae ar arb arba arbute arbutean arc arcade arcane arced arco arctan arcuate arcuated ard ardeb ardent are area aread areca ared arena aret arna arnut aroba around art at atar ate atoc atone atoned atoner atua aua aubade aue aune aunt aunter aura aurae aurate aurated auto autocade autocar autoed ba baa baaed bac bacon baconer bad bade ban banc banco band banda bandar bandeau bander bandora bandore bandura bane baned banned banner bannet bant banted banter bantu bar barca