Definition of Underachievement


  • poorer than expected performance (poorer than might have been predicted from intelligence tests)
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Underachievement

  • Scrabble® score of the underachievement (27)
  • Word Chums® score of the underachievement (37)
  • Words With Friends® score of the underachievement (32)

Unscramble underachievement

2909 unscramble word found using the letters underachievement.

ace aced acer acetin acetum ach ache ached achene achenium achier achieve achieved achievement achiever acid acider acme acmite acne acned acre acred acrid act acted actin active acture acumen acute acuter ad adeem adenine adermin adhere adherence adherent adieu adit admen admin admire admit adunc advect advene advent adventure advert advertence advice ae aecium aedine aerie aeried aether aetheric ah ahed ahem ahent ahi ahind ahint ai aid aide aider aidmen aim aimed aimer ain aine ainee air aired airmen airn airned airt airted airth airthed ait aitch aitu aiver am ame ameer amen amend amende amender amene amened ament amerce amerced ami amice amid amide amie amin amine amir amnic amrit amu an ance ancient ancienter and ane anemic anent anetic aneurin ani anicut anime ann annicut ant ante antecede anted anteed anthem anthemed anthemic anther antherid anti antic antidune antimen antimere antired antre antrum anu anuretic anuric ar arc arced arch arched archei archi archine archive archived arcmin arcminute ard ardent are ared arede areic arene arenite aret arete arid arm armed armet arnut art arti artic aruhe arum arvee at atchieve atchieved ate atheneum atherine atrium audience audient audit auditee aue aune aunt aunter auntie aurei