Definition of Unhealthy


  • not conducive to good health
    "an unhealthy diet of fast foods"
    "an unhealthy climate"
  • detrimental to health
  • not in or exhibiting good health in body or mind
    "unhealthy ulcers"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Unhealthy

  • Scrabble® score of the unhealthy (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the unhealthy (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the unhealthy (18)

Unscramble unhealthy

215 unscramble word found using the letters unhealthy.

ae ah ahent ahh al ale alt alu an ane ant ante anu any anyu at ate aue aune aunt auntly aunty ay aye ayu ea ean eat eath eathly eau eh el elan elt eluant en et eta eth ethal ethyl etna ha hae haen haet hah hale halt han hant hantle hat hate hath haul hault haun haunt haut haute hauyne hay hayle he heal health healthy heat heath heathy heh hen hent het heth hey hue huh hula hule hun hunh hunt hut hye hyen hyena hyetal hyla hyle hyte hythe la lah lane lant lat late laten lath lathe lathen lathy latu lay lea lean leant leany leat lehua lent let leu ley luna lunate lune lunet lunt luny lute lutea lye lyne lyte lythe na nae nah nat nay ne neal neat neath neatly net nth nu nut ny nye ta tae tael tale tan tane tanh tau tay te tea teal tel tela ten thae thale than thane the then thenal they thuya thy tuan tule tun tuna tune tuny tye tyne uey uh uhlan ulan ule ulna ulnae un uneath uneth unhat unheal unhealth unhealthy unlay unlet ut uta ute ya yae yah