Definition of Unprocurable


  • not capable of being obtained
    "a rare work, today almost inaccessible"
    "timber is virtually unobtainable in the islands"
    "untouchable resources buried deep within the earth"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Unprocurable

  • Scrabble® score of the unprocurable (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the unprocurable (27)
  • Words With Friends® score of the unprocurable (25)

Unscramble unprocurable

812 unscramble word found using the letters unprocurable.

ab aber able abler abo abore aborne abune ace acer acerb acne acorn acre acro acron ae aeon aero al alb albe alco ale alec aleuron aloe alone alp alu alure an ance ancle ane anole anu ape aper apercu apo apolune apron ar arb arbor arbour arc arco are arle arpen auburn aue aune ba bac bacon baconer bael bal bale baler balu balun ban banc banco bane bap bapu bar bare barer barn baron barp barre barrel barren barro baur be beacon beal bean beano bear beau beaucoup becap becurl bel belar belon ben blae blaer blanco blare blear bloc blore blue bluecap bluer blur bo boa boar boep bola bolar bole bon bona bonce bone boner bop bor bora boral borane bore boreal borel borer born borna borne borrel boucle boule boun bounce bouncer bourn bourne bra brace bracer bracero brae bran brane branle brap bren brer bro bronc brr bru brule bun buna bunce bunco bur bura buran bureau burl burlap burler burn burner burp burr burrel burro cab caber cable cabler cabre cal calo calp can cane caner canoe canoer cap cape caper caple capo capon capul car carb carbo carbon carborne care carer carl