Definition of Unweathered


  • not worn by exposure to the weather
    "chemical weathering was beginning to attack the unweathered bedrock"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Unweathered

  • Scrabble® score of the unweathered (18)
  • Word Chums® score of the unweathered (21)
  • Words With Friends® score of the unweathered (19)

Unscramble unweathered

629 unscramble word found using the letters unweathered.

ad adhere adherent ae aether ah ahed ahent an and ane anew ant ante anted anteed anther antre anu ar ard ardent are ared arede arene aret arete arew arnut art aruhe at ate atween aue aune aunt aunter aw awe awed awee awn awned awner da dae dah dan dant dare darn dart date dater dauner daunt daunter daur daut daw dawen dawn dawner dawt de dean deaner dear deare dearn dearth death deaw dee deen deer deere deet deewan den denar denature dene denet dent denture derat derate dere dern derth detenu detenue deter detune dew dewan dewar dewater dhurna drant drat draunt draw drawee drawn dree drent drew duan duar due duet duh dun dune dunt dura durant dure durn ea ean eaned ear eard eared earn earned earth earthed earthen eat eaten eater eath eathe eau ed edh ee eeew een eew eh ehed en enate end endart endear ender endew endue endure ene enew enewed enter entera entered entree enure enured enwreath enwreathe enwreathed er era ere ered erhu ern erne erned et eta eten eterne eth ethane ethe ethene ether ethne etna etude etwee ewe ewer ewt ha had hade hae haed haen haet