Definition of Vincetoxicum


  • genus of chiefly tropical American vines having cordate leaves and large purple or greenish cymose flowers
    supposedly having powers as an antidote
    - genus vincetoxicum
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Vincetoxicum

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  • Word Chums® score of the vincetoxicum (42)
  • Words With Friends® score of the vincetoxicum (34)

Unscramble vincetoxicum

328 unscramble word found using the letters vincetoxicum.

cecum cent centimo cento centu centum cicutine cimex cinct cine cion cit cite cito civ cive civet civic civie coin coit come comet cometic comic comice comix comte con conceit cone coni conic conium conte convect convex convict cot cote count cove coven covent covet covin covine cox cue cuit cum cumec cumin cunei cunit cunt cut cute cutie cutin ecco eco econut ecu em emic emiction emit emo emu en entomic envoi eon et etic etui euoi evict eviction evo ex exciton excitonic exit exo exon exonic exotic ice icon iconic ictic imine imino in incite income incut inti intime into invite invoice io ion ionic ionium it item me meconic mein meint meiotic men meno ment mento menu meou met metic meu mi mic mice mico miction mien mince mine mini minivet mino mint minuet minute minx miotic mite mix mixen mixt mixte mixtion mo moc moe moi moit mon monic monie monitive monte mot mote moten moti motive motivic motu mou moue mount move movie moxie mu mucic mucin mun muni munite munt muon muonic mut mute muti mutine muton mux ne net neum neumic nevi next nice nie nim nit nite nix nixe nixie no noetic