Definition of Wheelbase


  • the distance from the center of a car's front wheel to the rear axle
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Wheelbase

  • Scrabble® score of the wheelbase (17)
  • Word Chums® score of the wheelbase (20)
  • Words With Friends® score of the wheelbase (18)

Unscramble wheelbase

209 unscramble word found using the letters wheelbase.

ab abele abeles able ables abs ae ah ahs al alb albe albee albs ale alee ales alew alews als as ash aw awe awee aweel awes awheel awheels awl awls ba bael baels bah bal bale bales bals bas base bash bawl bawls be beal beals bee bees bel belah belahs belee belees bels bes besaw besee bhel bhels blae blaes blah blahs blase blash blaw blaws blee blees blew ea eale eales eas ease easel easle ee eeew eel eels eew eh ehs el els else es ewe ewes ha hable hae haes hale hales halse has haw haws hawse he heal healee healees heals hebe hebes heel heels hele heles hes hew hewable hews la lab labs lah lahs las lase lash law laws lea leas lease leash lee lees leese les lew sab sabe sable sae saheb sal sale saw sea seal see seeable seel sel selah sele sew sewable sewel sh sha shale shaw shawl she shea sheal sheel shew shewel shwa slab slae slaw sleb slee slew swab swale sweal swee sweel wab wabs wae waes wale wales was wase wash we weal weals weasel web webs wee weel weels wees wels welsh wha