Definition of Wollastonite


  • a white or greyish mineral typically found in metamorphic limestone
    a silicate of calcium
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Wollastonite

  • Scrabble® score of the wollastonite (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the wollastonite (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the wollastonite (18)

Unscramble wollastonite

1172 unscramble word found using the letters wollastonite.

ae aeon aeons ai ail ails ain aine ains ainsell ais aisle ait aits al ale ales alew alews alien aliens aline alines alison alist alit all allies allis allons allot allots allow allows alls aloe aloes aloin aloins alone aloo aloos alow alowe als also alsoon alsoone alt alto altoist altos alts an ane anelli anes anew ani anil anile anils anis anise anisole anole anoles anow ans ant ante antes anti antis ants as astone aswoon at ate atenolol atenolols ates atilt atoll atolls atone atones atonies ats att attollens attone attones aw awe awes aweto awetos awl awls awn awniest awns awol awols ea ean eans eas east eastlin eat eats eina el elain elains elan elans elastin elation elations elint elints ell ells eloin eloins els elsin elt elts en enlist enlit enol enols enow enows ens entail entails entia entoil entoils ents entwist enwall enwalls eoan eolian eon eons eosin es esloin est et eta etalon etalons etas etat etats etna etnas ettin ettins ewt ewts ilea ileal ill illest ills in inlaw inlaws inlet inlets ins inset insolate insole instal install instate intel intels into inwall inwalls io ion ions ios iota iotas is