Definition of Word-blindness


  • inability to perceive written words
    - visual aphasia
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Word_blindness

  • Scrabble® score of the word_blindness (20)
  • Word Chums® score of the word_blindness (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the word_blindness (24)

Unscramble word_blindness

1540 unscramble word found using the letters word_blindness.

be bed bedrid beds bein beins bel belon belons below belows bels ben bend bends beni benis benison benisons benni bennis bens berlin berlins bes besnow besnows besoin besoins bi bid bidden bidder bidders bide bided bider biders bides bidon bidons bids bield bields bien bier biers bile biled biles bin bind binder binders bindle bindles binds bine biner biners bines binned bins bio bios bird birded birds birl birle birled birles birls biro biros birse birsed birses birsle birsled birsles bis bise bises bison bisons bisson bissoned bled blend blends bless blew blin blind blinded blinder blinders blindness blinds blinned blins bliss blissed blond blonde blonder blondes blondine blondined blondines blondness blonds blore blores blow blowed blower blowers blowie blowier blowies blowiness blown blows blowse blowsed blowses blowsier bo bod boddle boddles bode boded bodes bodied bodies bodiless bodle bodles bods boi boil boiled boiler boilers boils bois bold bolded bolden boldens bolder boldness bolds bole boles bolide bolides boline bolines bon bond bonded bonder bonders bondless bonds bone boned boner boners bones bonie bonier boniness bonne bonnes bonnie bonnier bonnies bor bord borde bordel bordels bordes bords bore bored borel borels bores boride borides born borne bors bos