Definition of Wulfenite


  • a yellow to orange or brown mineral used as a molybdenum ore
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Wulfenite

  • Scrabble® score of the wulfenite (15)
  • Word Chums® score of the wulfenite (19)
  • Words With Friends® score of the wulfenite (18)

Unscramble wulfenite

190 unscramble word found using the letters wulfenite.

ee eel een eew ef eft eine el elf elfin elint elite elt eluent elute en ene enew enlit enuf et eten etui ewe ewt fe fee feel feen feet feint feline felt fen feni fent fet fete feu few fie fient fil file filet fin fine fit flee fleet flew flint flit flite flu flue fluent flute fuel fun futile if in infelt inlet intel it lee leet left lefte leftie lei lenite lent lenti let leu lew li lie lief lien lieu life lift lin line lint lit lite litu luit luiten lune lunet lunt lute lutein lwei ne nee nef neif net nete netful new newel newie newt nie nief nife nil nit nite nu nut te tee teel teen teenful tef teil tein tel tele ten tene tenue tew tewel ti tie til tile tin tine tinful tui tuile tule tun tune twee tweel tween twin twine ule un unfelt unfit uni unit unite unlet unlit untie until untile unwet unwit ut ute utile we wee weel ween weet weft wefte weil welt wen went wet wiel wife wile wilt win wine wintle wit wite wulfenite