Definition of Xerophile


  • plant adapted for life with a limited supply of water
    compare hydrophyte and mesophyte
    - desert plant - xerophytic plant - xerophilous plant
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

Word games points for the Xerophile

  • Scrabble® score of the xerophile (21)
  • Word Chums® score of the xerophile (25)
  • Words With Friends® score of the xerophile (22)

Unscramble xerophile

175 unscramble word found using the letters xerophile.

ee eel eh el elhi elope eloper eorl ephor ephori er ere ex exile exiler exo expel expire explore expo he heel heil heir hele heli helio helix helo help helper hep her here herl hero heroe hex hexer hi hie hip hire hiree hirple ho hoe hoer hoi hole holier holp hop hope hoper hore hori hox ilex io ire lee leep leer lehr lei leir lep leper lere lerp lex li lie lier lip lipe lipo lire lo loerie loipe loir lop lope loper lor lore lox oe oh oi oil oiler ole olpe op ope or ore oriel orle ox oxer oxlip pe pee peel peer peh pel pele per pere peri peril ph pheer phi phlox pho pi pie piehole pier pile piler pir pirl pix pixel plex plexor plie plier po poh poi poil pol pole poler pore pox poxier pre pree prex prexie pro prole prolix re ree reel reh rei relie reo reoil rep repel repo rex rho riel rile rip ripe roe roil role rope xerophile xi