Definition of Xerophthalmia


  • abnormal dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eyes
    may be due to a systemic deficiency of vitamin A
    - xerophthalmus - conjunctivitis arida
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

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Unscramble xerophthalmia

1226 unscramble word found using the letters xerophthalmia.

aa aah aal aarti ae aerial aero aerolith ah aha aheap ahem ahh ahi ai aia ail aim aimer air airhole airt airth ait al ala alae alamo alamort alap alar alarm alate ale aleph alert alexia alit alma almah alme almeh almirah aloe aloha alp alpha alt altar alter althea altho alto am ama amah amate amatol ame amelia ametropia ami amia amie amir amirate amitrole amla amole amoral amoret amort amp amphora amphorae amphoral ample ampler amrit amrita aorta aortae aortal apart ape aper apert apex aphelia apholate aphtha aphthae apio apiol aplite apo aporia aport apothem apt aptamer apter apteral apteria ar arame are area areal areola arepa aret arhat aria ariel aril ariot arle arm armet armhole armil armlet armpit aroha aroma arpa art artal artel arti at atap atar ate atemporal athame atheroma atma atom atop atria atrial atrip atrophia atropia ax axal axe axel axial axil axile axiom axite axle ea ear earl earlap earth eat eath eh el elhi elm elt em email emir emit emo emparl empart emporia empt eolith eorl epaxial epha ephah ephor ephoral ephori epilator eprom er era erm et eta eth ethal ex exalt exam examplar exhort exit